Yes, I'm a daddy. BradK has spawned, so in a decade or two, expect more... MORE.... MORE!!!!!!!
Here are some pictures for my non-Facebook followers to link/email/spread around/pass/etc...
22 December 2011
30 November 2011
GUEST POST - Liz Davies: "How to Counteract Cancer Treatment Symptoms with Exercise"
Hello all! BradK is turning the pen over to Liz Davies with this posting. Please enjoy! If you have any ideas for a guest posting, feel free to contact me at my email address on my profile. Thanks!
Liz Davies is a recent college graduate and aspiring writer especially interested in health and wellness. She wants to make a difference in people’s lives because she sees how cancer has devastated so many people in this world. Liz also likes running, playing lacrosse, reading and playing with her dog, April.
How to Counteract Cancer Treatment Symptoms with Exercise
Cancer treatments, like radiation and chemotherapy, are well known to produce a variety of rough symptoms. These can include insomnia, exhaustion, nausea, depression and vomiting. Many cancer patients reveal that they lose the urge to complete everyday tasks and no longer desire to live independently. Everyone going through cancer treatment has a different experience but exercise has been shown to combat a plethora of the negative symptoms associated with treatment and allow people to lead healthier lives spiritually, emotionally and physically.
Staying physically fit can help people undergoing cancer treatment by fighting nausea, improving appetite, and allowing for more restful sleep. Physical activity allows the body to crave rest and food both of which are necessary for cancer patients.
Exercise also has many psychological benefits. Endorphins are released when the body gets to a certain level in a work out and when they are released, they create higher pleasure areas in the brain. This lowers negative ideas and combats depression. Exercise also gives many people more self confidence which is useful for many cancer patients.
Spiritually, the act of exercise can be very positive. Yoga, pilates, and tai chi are excellent forms of physical activity that can provide meditation through gentle, repetitive motions. Many people also find peace through running, swimming and walking.
Cancer patients who feel healthy physically, emotionally and spiritually have a better chance of staying independent throughout their treatment process. Remaining active increases the mobility of joints and muscles which allows for better movement and balance. Muscle loss is also a common symptom that can be avoided through strength training. Being able to remain independent also increases confidence and leads to a more positive outlook.
An exercise routine doesn’t need to end with a cancer diagnosis. This gives people a bigger reason to remain (or become) active. Physical activity regimens need to be planned out with doctors and trainers who specialize in teaching cancer patients. These ideas are good for people going through all different types of cancer treatments, whether that is chemotherapy for mesothelioma treatment or surgery for breast cancer treatment. Thinking about the benefits of exercise for cancer patients is also beneficial for everyone else who is involved in the patients’ lives.
Liz Davies is a recent college graduate and aspiring writer especially interested in health and wellness. She wants to make a difference in people’s lives because she sees how cancer has devastated so many people in this world. Liz also likes running, playing lacrosse, reading and playing with her dog, April.
How to Counteract Cancer Treatment Symptoms with Exercise
Cancer treatments, like radiation and chemotherapy, are well known to produce a variety of rough symptoms. These can include insomnia, exhaustion, nausea, depression and vomiting. Many cancer patients reveal that they lose the urge to complete everyday tasks and no longer desire to live independently. Everyone going through cancer treatment has a different experience but exercise has been shown to combat a plethora of the negative symptoms associated with treatment and allow people to lead healthier lives spiritually, emotionally and physically.
Staying physically fit can help people undergoing cancer treatment by fighting nausea, improving appetite, and allowing for more restful sleep. Physical activity allows the body to crave rest and food both of which are necessary for cancer patients.
Exercise also has many psychological benefits. Endorphins are released when the body gets to a certain level in a work out and when they are released, they create higher pleasure areas in the brain. This lowers negative ideas and combats depression. Exercise also gives many people more self confidence which is useful for many cancer patients.
Spiritually, the act of exercise can be very positive. Yoga, pilates, and tai chi are excellent forms of physical activity that can provide meditation through gentle, repetitive motions. Many people also find peace through running, swimming and walking.
Cancer patients who feel healthy physically, emotionally and spiritually have a better chance of staying independent throughout their treatment process. Remaining active increases the mobility of joints and muscles which allows for better movement and balance. Muscle loss is also a common symptom that can be avoided through strength training. Being able to remain independent also increases confidence and leads to a more positive outlook.
An exercise routine doesn’t need to end with a cancer diagnosis. This gives people a bigger reason to remain (or become) active. Physical activity regimens need to be planned out with doctors and trainers who specialize in teaching cancer patients. These ideas are good for people going through all different types of cancer treatments, whether that is chemotherapy for mesothelioma treatment or surgery for breast cancer treatment. Thinking about the benefits of exercise for cancer patients is also beneficial for everyone else who is involved in the patients’ lives.
21 August 2011
Reaching a Goal - 13.1 Miles in Madison
That's my official result. :)
Well, a little more than 1 year after kicking that smoking habit to the curb, I crushed a 1/2 marathon!!!! By "crushed" of course, I mean I destroyed it as a very important personal goal, AND, I did so in a time I hadn't expected to...
As I read the results and compare to what I observed at each mile marker, I noticed something amazing, I actually had a better pace on miles 6-10 than I did on 1-5. I FELT GREAT for the first 10 miles (note - my "base" is 8). Miles 1 and 2 were in the pouring, glorious rain... which became very important later as the clouds cleared and the blazing sun came out. It was fun to run in the rain... though I did get distracted by my own chest as my Nike shirt clung to it and I though "dang boy, that P90X gave you some pecs-definition"... I digress. ;) Seriously though, it was awesome. The rain stopped on the third mile, and the clouds cleared on the fourth. I can't believe how well I remember all of this... Mile 5 was along the side of one of those Madison lakes... Mendoda or Monona or Mendoza (wait... that's a Argentine winery region...) and was gorgeous, but right about then, the sun started beating down and the water from the morning's weather event could literally be seen steaming off the blacktop. The good news is Miles 6 and 7 were through like a path through the woods - kind of - with some shade to help. Miles 8 - 10 were through more residential areas, parts of Madison that, as a runner near me said "the adults live in, not the students" :) Mile 10 was the last marker that I looked at and felt like I was sticking awful close to the 10 minute mile. I was thrilled... I had already outpaced my personal estimate of how I would do by almost 10 minutes. Mile 11 was when I first noticed two things. My calves were starting to feel it, is up.. with my nips? Yes, this was the first run long enough to start to rub the part of the male body that has no use whatsoever other than to chafe during a run. (Not too bad though, never bled, but dang, they got a bit-o-rug burn!) Mile 12 was when I downshifted, deliberately and then the last mile, 13, I put 'er in 1st gear so I could put EVERYTHING I had into the last .1 mile and finish strong... for the photographer ;) And because, dammit, I wanted to finish strong!!!
All this - after a 90 minute delay starting due to lightening and strong winds. I can't say enough about how well this race was handled by the race director, public safety officials and volunteers. The water / aid stations every 1.5 -> 1.8 miles was brilliant, offering aid, water, gatorade and port-o-johns was perfectly spaced out. (Note - I never stopped running once after I started... I grabbed the water or G-A and kept running through it... I was 7 for 10 in getting the empty cups into the trash bins though!)
One other nice touch were the "pace runners". Where I started in "Corral I", I was placed behind the 2:30 pace runner. Meaning, if I kept up with him, I'd run a 2:30 race. It felt GREAT to pass him up on mile 3, and even better when I caught up to the 2:15 pace runner on mile 6, passing him on mile 8... (though he eventually passed me again on mile 13, I wasn't upset in the least by it).
So, would I do another 1/2 Marathon? I don't know... I certainly haven't ruled it out. I know for a fact that I'll be running 13+ miles again in my life, as my next personal goal I need to map out is the full marathon... targeting 2013 for that one.
The important thing is that I've accomplished what I set out to do, and I accomplished it in a level of quality (pace) greater than I thought I could. I can't express enough the amount of joy that overwhelmed me when I finished... I seriously felt like crying I was so overjoyed by the whole experience. All the moments in my life that led up to this one, the people, the support, the running buddies (both literal, and e-buddies), my family (even my aunt Rachel who thinks this is a wonderful "second sport" to Nordic Skiing), the promises I made to myself to "not give up", the pain of the training and the pain of the event... I have a day of sore, heavy calves to deal with, and a new soreness on one spot on my left knee I need to keep an eye on, but finishing this race is by no means the end of anything... 13.1 is just a mile marker on the rest of my life.
Thank you everyone. :)
That's my official result. :)
Well, a little more than 1 year after kicking that smoking habit to the curb, I crushed a 1/2 marathon!!!! By "crushed" of course, I mean I destroyed it as a very important personal goal, AND, I did so in a time I hadn't expected to...
As I read the results and compare to what I observed at each mile marker, I noticed something amazing, I actually had a better pace on miles 6-10 than I did on 1-5. I FELT GREAT for the first 10 miles (note - my "base" is 8). Miles 1 and 2 were in the pouring, glorious rain... which became very important later as the clouds cleared and the blazing sun came out. It was fun to run in the rain... though I did get distracted by my own chest as my Nike shirt clung to it and I though "dang boy, that P90X gave you some pecs-definition"... I digress. ;) Seriously though, it was awesome. The rain stopped on the third mile, and the clouds cleared on the fourth. I can't believe how well I remember all of this... Mile 5 was along the side of one of those Madison lakes... Mendoda or Monona or Mendoza (wait... that's a Argentine winery region...) and was gorgeous, but right about then, the sun started beating down and the water from the morning's weather event could literally be seen steaming off the blacktop. The good news is Miles 6 and 7 were through like a path through the woods - kind of - with some shade to help. Miles 8 - 10 were through more residential areas, parts of Madison that, as a runner near me said "the adults live in, not the students" :) Mile 10 was the last marker that I looked at and felt like I was sticking awful close to the 10 minute mile. I was thrilled... I had already outpaced my personal estimate of how I would do by almost 10 minutes. Mile 11 was when I first noticed two things. My calves were starting to feel it, is up.. with my nips? Yes, this was the first run long enough to start to rub the part of the male body that has no use whatsoever other than to chafe during a run. (Not too bad though, never bled, but dang, they got a bit-o-rug burn!) Mile 12 was when I downshifted, deliberately and then the last mile, 13, I put 'er in 1st gear so I could put EVERYTHING I had into the last .1 mile and finish strong... for the photographer ;) And because, dammit, I wanted to finish strong!!!
All this - after a 90 minute delay starting due to lightening and strong winds. I can't say enough about how well this race was handled by the race director, public safety officials and volunteers. The water / aid stations every 1.5 -> 1.8 miles was brilliant, offering aid, water, gatorade and port-o-johns was perfectly spaced out. (Note - I never stopped running once after I started... I grabbed the water or G-A and kept running through it... I was 7 for 10 in getting the empty cups into the trash bins though!)
One other nice touch were the "pace runners". Where I started in "Corral I", I was placed behind the 2:30 pace runner. Meaning, if I kept up with him, I'd run a 2:30 race. It felt GREAT to pass him up on mile 3, and even better when I caught up to the 2:15 pace runner on mile 6, passing him on mile 8... (though he eventually passed me again on mile 13, I wasn't upset in the least by it).
So, would I do another 1/2 Marathon? I don't know... I certainly haven't ruled it out. I know for a fact that I'll be running 13+ miles again in my life, as my next personal goal I need to map out is the full marathon... targeting 2013 for that one.
The important thing is that I've accomplished what I set out to do, and I accomplished it in a level of quality (pace) greater than I thought I could. I can't express enough the amount of joy that overwhelmed me when I finished... I seriously felt like crying I was so overjoyed by the whole experience. All the moments in my life that led up to this one, the people, the support, the running buddies (both literal, and e-buddies), my family (even my aunt Rachel who thinks this is a wonderful "second sport" to Nordic Skiing), the promises I made to myself to "not give up", the pain of the training and the pain of the event... I have a day of sore, heavy calves to deal with, and a new soreness on one spot on my left knee I need to keep an eye on, but finishing this race is by no means the end of anything... 13.1 is just a mile marker on the rest of my life.
Thank you everyone. :)
13 May 2011
11 May 2011
28 April 2011
Reason and Passion - Can they Coexist?
I stole this from a now-defunct blog that I don't know if I can even reference anymore... I found it in Google' s "Cache", read it, thought it applied to humanity *outside* of the original context here, and it made me think of today's political climate. A lot.
Read on, comment if you wish... made me think about things either way...
Read on, comment if you wish... made me think about things either way...
Reason, Passion, and the Soul
Nearly four hundred years before Christ walked this earth as fully man and fully God, Plato within his dialogue Phaedrus, created a rather interesting allegorical representation for a person’s soul.
Plato described a charioteer being pulled by two winged horses. The charioteer himself was seen to be the reason and intellect of the soul that must guide the stallions to enlightenment. Now one of the steeds is pictured to be of noble breed and character and representative of rationality and moral impulse of a righteous nature, while the other of the two horses was the diametric opposite in bearing and virtue and thus represented the soul's irrational passions, appetites, or decidedly more base natures. The two horses of such disparate natures were exceptionally hard to drive accordingly as they each wished to venture towards their own predilections, while the charioteer struggled mightily to drive them to his wanted destination of that elusive enlightenment.
It is a story of which I first learned back in high school the better part of three decades ago, but was recently reminded of a few weeks back in the homily at Mass one Sunday. In the homily, our deacon spoke of the soul that is the Charioteer driving the winged twin horses of reason and passion.
While perhaps not truly faithful to Plato’s original story, one can see the troubles that the charioteer soul might encounter when one steed tries to pull the chariot in one direction at the expense of the direction that the other steed wishes to travel, and thereby going to a place that the soul neither intended nor wished to venture.
If the horse of passion is allowed full rein to pull the chariot at the expense of the horse of reason, one might very well find one’s soul fulfilled, albeit for a very short lived time, as we do not live in a world where rationality and logic are absent for long, and thereby the consequences of having ignored them will quickly become apparent to the soul with excruciating and even grave consequences.
Indeed, fall in love with someone where the physical chemistry is magnificent initially, but the character or intellect are wanting and one will soon find that passion to falter and extinguish, leaving the soul injured and longing.
At the same time, if one were to marry and commit oneself to a person for practical matters that made unassailable logical sense, as the person was of sterling character, quality, and the perfect complement to one in all things of a pragmatic nature, but yet there was no chemistry or passion and love for that individual, it would be a marriage that too would soon falter as the purpose and meaning of such a marriage would never be fully realized.
The consequences of such disproportionate reason and passion, in favor of either steed, can likely be found applicable to any number of one’s relationships, career, vital interests, or critical elements to that which makes us each lacking in our own humanity. I suspect that in all things, ensuring that there is a balance of reason and passion would ultimately make for a much longer lasting and far more fulfilling life’s journey within the context of the soul driving that chariot.
Indeed, when passion and reason are yoked equally, one will find the chariot soul easy to steer towards that wanted destination and the journey will prove to be far smoother and enjoyable for the traveling.
05 April 2011
P90X... 90!!!!!
Well all y'all... P90X day 90 was reached. Technically, today is "Day 91" (or the final day of week 13, cuz, ya know, 90 doesn't divide into 7 evenly and "P91X" doesn't really roll off the tongue as well).
I accomplished the goal I had set out to accomplish. I am no longer so skinny you can count my ribs every time I inhale. I am far from "buff" but you know what I am? Satisfied with the results, and ready to take on the next challenge! I'll be mixing P90X resistance workouts with some aggressive running. I'll be on the indoor elliptical during the chillier or rainier days of the spring, and up and down the Oak Leaf trail here in Bay View during the warmer days. I'll have a few 5K's and a 8K and 10K or two as part of the running regimen, all leading up to my 13 week training plan for the Madison Mini-Marathon (13Miles) in August!
I've learned to eat better, I've all but 99.9% cut fast food and soda out of my diet. (I had a Coke the other day and MAN those are sweet!!! Gol-ram!!!!) I drink a camels-hump worth of water every day, and you know what, I just FEEL BETTER about myself physically.
I'll be making-pretty the photos and spreadsheet charts in the next few days or so and post them up here.
Let me see if I got one or two shots for this entry though....
That's me doing some elliptical running... See, here in Milwaukee, we get only about 5-10 days per year where running outside is preferable.. and April generally ain't part of that equation!!!
That's me apparently under arrest for running? :)
More pics and charts next time!!!
I accomplished the goal I had set out to accomplish. I am no longer so skinny you can count my ribs every time I inhale. I am far from "buff" but you know what I am? Satisfied with the results, and ready to take on the next challenge! I'll be mixing P90X resistance workouts with some aggressive running. I'll be on the indoor elliptical during the chillier or rainier days of the spring, and up and down the Oak Leaf trail here in Bay View during the warmer days. I'll have a few 5K's and a 8K and 10K or two as part of the running regimen, all leading up to my 13 week training plan for the Madison Mini-Marathon (13Miles) in August!
I've learned to eat better, I've all but 99.9% cut fast food and soda out of my diet. (I had a Coke the other day and MAN those are sweet!!! Gol-ram!!!!) I drink a camels-hump worth of water every day, and you know what, I just FEEL BETTER about myself physically.
I'll be making-pretty the photos and spreadsheet charts in the next few days or so and post them up here.
Let me see if I got one or two shots for this entry though....
That's me doing some elliptical running... See, here in Milwaukee, we get only about 5-10 days per year where running outside is preferable.. and April generally ain't part of that equation!!!
That's me apparently under arrest for running? :)
More pics and charts next time!!!
17 March 2011
70 Days In... and COUNTING!!!
Greetings and Salutations to the Readers of the Musings.

I'm 70 days into P90X... well, 72 to be exact. Week 11 has begun, and boy are my arms tired!
Week 11 represents the "final" occasion on the regular program to do the "Chest and Back" DVD (note - there are more chest and back exercises on other DVD's, but this is the last one with that particular routine).
That's a freaking milestone!!
I know you're all dying to see my Adonis-esque photos, but I don't have any today to share... Well, that's not true, I have one of my arm that I took about 2 weeks ago... here it is:

That was taken around Day 60, about 10 days ago. Nono, it's not "relaxed" it's in a stretch pose that accentuates the tricep.. .but still.. not too bad for 60 days in!
So now at Day 70 (FINE... 72) I wanted to share something I am quite proud of, to be honest. It's my "Chest and Back Chart" from the P90X spreadsheet application. The exercises graphed in it are push ups / pull ups and weight exercises focusing on the back (lawnmowers, heavy pants, seated back flys) and what made me happy was the consistent improvement. In fact, after I purchased the dumbbells, I found out that by now, some of these exercises I will need to increase the weight in order to continue to challenge myself. The next step for the push up style exercises is to possibly slow the exercise down to a crawl to increase the workload... should be fun!
Either way, I've got just a couple weeks left, but I still thought this was a really cool thing to share. So I'm sharing. So there.

16 February 2011
P43X - Day 1 of Week 7... HO-LY-CRAP!!!!!
What do we have to show for it? Well for starters... quite possibly one of the most historic events I've been around to see - EGYPT!!!! HOLY CRAP!!!!
This is no joke - the revolution toppled a 30-year dictatorship via SHOUTING. That is AMAZING!!!! This wasn't a military overthrow, this wasn't an inside political intrigue... this was the youth (by and large) of a nation deciding to no longer be oppressed and stand up and do something about it!
That's so awesome! Here's to the future of Egypt! Here's hoping things get better for the people. I remember several years ago I was in Cairo, only for a couple days, and I remember a few things that struck me. First... the general poverty literally next door to the luxury. There's a scene in the movie "The Constant Gardner" where Pharmaceutical Executives (I think) play in an exclusive golf course that's fenced in, and right beyond the fence is a huge sprawling tin-shack-slum. Cairo reminded me of that scene, where money and poverty was side-by-side in a way to make it just feel perverse.
Anyways, the Muslim Brotherhood appears to be forming a Political Party out there and the Egyptian Military seems to be working with the "opposition" (is that term correct now that they've dissolved parliament? What's left to oppose?) to allow the gov't to reform via free and fair elections. Unbelievable.
What else has happened? Well, in Wisconsin, there's essentially a war of the union versus the governor. I'm surprised at how little the national media has picked up on this... it's huge news here in the Cheese State. Ironically, Wisconsin made national headlines when the Packers won the Super Bowl, but it took an iReporter to get the story on's front page for this bit of
news. Someone's priorities are messed up apparently!!! (Nothing new I guess...)
What else is there... what do YOU have to show for your first six weeks of 2011? What do *I* have to show for it???? Well, I'M GLAD YOU ASKED!!!!!!
Let's do this in a "Day 0, Day 43" Format... I'll let you guess which is which... (No peeking at old blog posts!!!)

WOAH!!! Check that out!!!! A diagonal picture!!!! My private photographer is an ar-teest!!!
All I can say is...... check out that vein on my right forearm!!! is that awesome or WHAT???!
So, now you've seen roughly where I am at for the halfway point. Not too shabby I would say!!!
Week 7.... BRING IT!!!
09 February 2011
Yayaya... P36X
Ok, I know.. you've been waiting on those P30X Pictures... but I'm too busy making time to work out that I don't make time to blog about it. I think I'm making the proper choice.
So there...
More pictures and snarky comments to come!!!!
Just not today... BWAH HA HAAAAAAAAA.....
ps - Yep, still going strong!!! Today is P36X!!!!
26 January 2011
Well...sunuva... P15-22X I suppose!!!
Hey everybody!!! Been a while, I know. BUT I am happy to report that as of today, P22X (22!!! Holy Crap!!!) I'm still rocking and rolling and BRINGING IT daily!!!!
That even goes for the last 3 days when I've had a wicked head cold!!! I'll tell ya what, there's not a lot of "quality breathing" during hard workouts when you have a head cold, and I was (still am, a bit) getting winded awfully quickly. But I said "JUST PUSH PLAY" and popped the DVD in and P-n-n-X'ed it anyways!
So that means we've gotten past day 20... which mean you'reall going to be subjected to...
This time, instead of the usual "posed" photos, I went with action shots, featuring me, and my workout buddy, my dog Sammy.
So let me first of all talk about week 2 and 3... see I think week 3 is the first week I had the opportunity to truly "BRING IT" to the fullest most effective capacity. Partially, I'll take the blame on that one... Week 1, for non-gym-rat-types... consists of a lot of "figuring out the move and the form"... I mean, I don't know what the hell a trip-six-twist-frog-underhand-cross-flip-two-hut-hut-pullup is. I had to watch a bit, figure out the form on the fly, and try to make it work... and of course, not knowing what it is means I don't know what the energy expenditure per repetition is, and if I do too many too fast it could affect the rest of the hour's workout.
Exception - Ab Ripper X. When you do the same 350ish ab exercises 3 times per week, you can get in the groove on that one pretty quick. Doesn't make it any easier... just means you can get the form right sooner.
Week 2 was really about zero-ing in on the resistance (for those days of the workouts). The cardio-based ones and stretch based ones (Plyometrics, Kenpo-X, Yoga-X and X-Stretch) I settled into nicely... but the resistance based ones were tricky... Especially with the resistance bands. It's not too easy to REALLY determine how much resistance you're pulling, or how much to add to get to the "next level" - so I opted for some adjustable dumbbells (5-25lb, in 5lb increments). Remember, I'm starting at "skinny little git" so 25 is plenty, trust me, for now. I'm sure EVENTUALLY I'll graduate to the 50+ area... Now, switching to the weights in Week 3 was an eye opener compared to the resistance bands, BUT, I was able to zero in on my target resistance levels MUCH faster, and adjust MUCH easier. So that made me pretty happy.
Now a few words on the most pressing thing on everyone's mind at this very moment:
How did "Waiting for Superman" NOT get nominated for an Oscar?????
With that out of our collective systems.... on to.... my thought of the day:
Yep. It's been that kind of day.
So - let's do photos....
So - here's action shot number one, me in the middle of a 25-lb "out" curl. Not, the bulging biceps, the shoulders of might and magic, the slight smirk on my face, knowing that soon, soon, the world will truly be my oyster, the perky, yet not so large as to confuse them with pancakes nipples, and the two vuvuzelas on the ground behind me, with which I take to the nearby soccer pub and make noises very loudly during goals.... Booyah. Booyah indeed. Next picture... or... just sit and stare at this one for a moment... wow.. those are great vuvuzelas... now, moving on...
WHAT is this??? Down there??? To the bottom right of the frame??? Fallout: New Vegas??!?! Oh yes my friends... the Mojave Wasteland calleth. Oh, and check out that awesome shot of my back muscles. They say the back directly links the head and the ass. They say that. You don't believe me? LOOK INTO MY EYES!!!!!!! (PS - Check that neck vein!!! DAAAAANNNNGGG!!!)
Moving along, here you can see that this specimen is shy and doesn't want to be identified.
So, a segue... many of you know that the focus of P90X is not only on "building mass" but also working on core strength, balance, flexibility, and pretending to be an animal. I am not making this up. Tony Horton, P90X Fitness Video Coach Extraordinaire, has us do things called "The Frog", "The Crane", "Cat Stretch", "Elephant Ballistic Stretch", "Downward Dog", "Upward Dog" (Note - these are yoga poses, not sexual positions... or....are...they.....??), and "Crunchy Frog" ... ok, maybe that last one is not pretending to be an animal so much as pretending to be an appetizer at a Chinese restaurant.
So, as I mentioned before, my workout buddy, Sammy, my dog, is very demanding, and is not tough on me if I don't do the "namesake poses" of hers correctly. For example:
Here you can see that once I correct the pose... OR my nose smell is determined to be "not food"... Sammy lays down in the most intrusive "in the way" spot possible and waits for me to continue to the next exercise.
Well, I have one more picture to share with you. I'll tell you what it is up front, and leave you to it for the day. It's a picture of me performing a side-kick from the Kenpo-X workout. There are a few things to note here:
1) The picture was taken in such a manner so as to appear to be head-on to the kick, and yet NOT show my.. er... NUTS, what was I going to say?
2) The dog appears to be satisfied with my form on this kick...
Have a nice day everyone. I'll be in what P90X calls "recovery week" for a bit, but hopefully I'll find time to check in more often that I did since... well... day 14 apparently.
P90X - "Bring It!" "Just Push Play" "Do Your Best and Forget the Rest" "Don't Forget to BREATHE People!!!" (But... I was doing my best, and forgetting the rest.. including breathing... I'm so confused!!!!!!)
18 January 2011
P14X... and a little interwebs catchup!
1) Doing my P90X and BRINGING IT!!!! every day...
and 2) (aka, the reason I haven't been updating the Musings as much....)
Fallout: New Vegas.
Yep. What can I say? After a li'l workout and shower and food and whatnot, especially after working all day... I don't mind zoning out in front of my PS3 and a little Fallout: New Vegas action to spoil myself.
So, we're on Day 14, and this is the 1st time I am doing a P90X workout from a hotel!
That's right... x-Stretch in a hotel room. There's enough space in here, and I have the DVD's and my trusty laptop to play them... the only concern is of course, going to inevitably occur... Housekeeping WILL pop in just as I'm getting all bendy and balancy and I'm nearly 100% positive I'll fall on my melon.
I know it will happen, so I can pre-laugh it off. Hahaha!
Ok, well, as promised, you get a day 10 picture. I was going to post all the poses from Day 10 like I did for Day 0, but I figure, nah, the internet has way too many pictures of me missing clothing already, we'll shorten the peep show down to 1 photo.
I resized it appropriately to fit onto most standard paper sizes should you decide to print it out and tape it to the ceiling of your bedroom.
14 January 2011
P9X - 10% completion!!!!
Plyo X - take two - represents the P9X in my efforts. That's 10% OF THE WAY THROUGH P90X!!!
I'm eating better, feeling better, sleeping better - all good things!
So Plyo X is still all the bouncing and jumping and squatting and a HINT of fart-suppression for an hour. VERY COOL
Tomorrow is Day 10, Picture Day, and Arms + Shoulders plus Ab Ripper X
And my doggie really likes Plyo X by the way... she chases my legs during the leg swings over the chair. VERY fun to watch. She also seems to really like the "bonus" basketball exercise at the end when you catch the ball on one side, and shoot the jump-shot on the other... she chases the direction I "shoot" the ball and tries to block the "pass" - very funny!!! I like my doggy!!!
13 January 2011
P8X - Week 2 Begins....
P8X, the beginning of week 2...
And a MUCH better way of attacking chest and back then the week one debacle!!!!
For starters I already knew the form of the exercise (not that they're terribly difficult), but that allowed me to basically use the audio of the DVD 90% and the video 10% - allowing me to concentrate on what I was doing, not the demonstration on the TV.
Spot-checking for proper form is one thing, but dividing my attention is another. Kinda made me wish I watched the DVD, just sat and watched, on week 1 just before actually DOING the exercises (or at least watching the set, then rewinding and re-starting).
Either way, I was mostly happy at the end. By the last push-up, I literally went to failure, pushing myself to the furthest I could go. I'm not 100% convinced I did that on the pulling-based exercises (chin-ups, etc), thought I know I pushed hard, I think there might have been 1-2 reps on left on the table... DRAT... mental note, don't do that again. EVUH!
The return of Ab Ripper X afterwards, and that one is now pretty fun.. I'm in the mindset that this pain in the abs (see what I did there?) is coming for me 3 days a week... and I can get through 25 reps off the first 10, and 25-30 Mason Twists - thought I admit, the "Scissors" form could greatly improve with more stretching and flexibility in straightening my legs. Will come with work... and time...
Now I KNOW you're all looking for the snarky funny comments in here, but I honestly got nuthin' today. Day 10 pictures will be posted after day 10, and you'll be able to see me to my Ah-nold impersonation, so that'll be fun...
Other than that, keep it real, and keep BRINGIN' IT!!!!
12 January 2011
P7X - X Stretch
So I finished week 1 of "bringing it" P90X style.
And what a great way to wrap up. X Stretch made me more bendy then I've bent in more directions (at the same time on occasion) in a long time...
I finished feeling a bit gumby-like.
Some of the stretches were common or familiar a bit. Some we've done before on other days, and some were brand new ways of experimenting with the laws of physics. I kind of enjoyed those the best, to be honest.
So after a week, I've done a bit of food-changing... focusing on protein and balancing carbs while trying to cut the vast majority of the fat out of the regular intake.
Granted, I know carbs can be killer for those using P90X or another exercise and diet plan to lose weight, but as that's not the intention from my perspective, I'm working toward a balance instead.
So, 1 week done out of 12 for the program, and a new fit feeling abides... like the dude...
Interesting to note... toward the end of the 12 weeks, I'll need to hit the "13 week training plan" for the 1/2 marathon later this year...
It's gonna be one of those years!!!!
10 January 2011
P6X - Kenpo X
Short-ish post today...
We found her - a resident contacted us and told us they spotted her tied up in someone's yard, and we got her back. She's a good doggy with the bestest personality. Here's a picture of her:

That's my doggy woggy!!!!!
Today I almost kicked her in the face.
Well, I had to do SOMETHING, I mean, Tony was telling me to BRING IT!!!! and so I was brining it with the Kenpo X and doing back kicks, and, well... there was my doggy!!!!!
The good news is I didn't kick her in the face or anywhere else. I said "SAMMY! GO UPSTAIRS AND PLAY!!!" and she did just that, whilst I continued on with the Kenpo X.
Which made me sweat. Alot.
In fact, this workout, P6X, was the first one that worked me to shirtlessness. Oh, the Plyometrics came awful close, and the Ab Ripper X almost does it every time. But Kenpo X (a combination of Eastern and American fighting techniques applied to a fitness routine) had me half-nekkid by the half-way point. I also feel for my poor upstairs neighbor who had to listen to the Ki-yaaaaa!! and other grunting noises I was making with all those punches and kicks.
So this is day 6 - and so far, so great.. I love it... tomorrow on the menu is "Stretch X" - which I intend to combine with some ellipticalling (as I haven't done that for a while now, and I miss the "zone" I get in while running).
I know you're all waiting for the next 4 days to fly by so you can see the first 10 days of improvement photos... well... you'll just have to keep waiting... four more days....
09 January 2011
P3X, P4X and P5X...OH MY!!!!
Hellooooooooo and yes, I survived a day or two in the land of the no-interwebs. Hopefully you survived a day or two without me. I know it's tough, but I believe in your ability to persevere under such extreme anxiety and duress.
So lets start with P3X, Shoulders and Arms.
Don't get me wrong, this was a FAN-FRIGGIN-TASTIC workout, but I'm still struggling with the concept of resistance bands and proper selection of and augmentation of said bands to provide the proper amount of work to failure in the appropriate number of reps.
Wow, that sounds kinda bad-ass, like I almost know all the lingo!!!! Truth be told, except for the "to's" and "the's" I only know the work "augmentation".... and some of you readers know why I would know all about an "augmentation"....
UH-HUH..... know... for musical chords... major, minor, diminished, augmented. I have musician friends. You know who you are.
Oh yeah, for some reason, that reminds me... HI SINDERZ!
So resistance bands and recording the set properly are still a bit weird to me.
Normally, with say, dumbbells (the weight kind, not the Dan kind) you would record # of reps to amount of weight... like 20 reps at 5 lbs (and then get all excited about your general awesomeness).
With the resistance bands, don't get me wrong, they do their job and provide resistance just fine... but I have to record it like... "10 reps at 'red' resistance band with approximately 1-1/2" diameter loop stepped on by my right foot, and by the way, my leg is approximately 36 inches to the waist.... (etc etc etc)" to accurately grab all the variables at play and truly track what I'm doing.
If someone out there has a better formula and it accurately tracks the workout, I'm all eEars.
So arms and shoulders, check. Good tiring workout... and of course, included MORE Mason Twists with the Ab Ripper X portion... I fell over significantly less this time. I'm down to double digits in falling over, and up to double digits in completing Mason Twists.
P4X - Yoga X
As Tony said "Don't fall on your face, that could hurt"
I think he actually said that when preparing for the Crane pose. Or is that the "Crane-X" pose. I digress.
Luv ya both!!!! MUWAH! (There will be important cabinet positions for you both when I am elected King of the world... stay tuned...)
So, this being Yoga... my FIRST experience Yoga-ing... Yoging. Yoganizing? "Doing Yoga" (Why do I want to sing Weird Al's Parody Song "Yoda" every time I say that word????)
I didn't know I had muscles there. And by "there" I mean all those places Yoga makes you discover muscles, just before falling over (and for the next 24 hours of recovery from Yoga X!)
Don't misconstrue, I can do some of those poses quite well for some genetic reason (I can only surmise) such as the "Lotus" (or, sit there, close your eyes, and do nothing).
But when Tony says "Now hop into the Warrior 3 position" and all the fitness peeps on the video stand with 90% of their body on a horizontal plane perpendicular to their one leg holding them up by the third toe from the right... well... I tend to fall over. By the thirtyeth or fortyeth attempt, I was able to actually do it. Well, I held the pose for roughly 0.0001202 seconds before falling over, BUT I HELD THE POSE!!!!!! SUCKAS!!!!!
I'm thinking of upgrading my yoga mat from the simple one I have to a Sealy Mattress with a feather top. That way, when I inevitably fall on my face, it will hurt SLIGHTLY less.
P5X - Legs and Back
Some of these workouts were, and I use this word purposefully, GLORIOUS...
I love the wall squats, especially the one-legged ones. That stuff I used to do in High School when I was on the track team. The one part of my body that somehow stayed relatively "in shape" all these years have been my thighs and calves. I have strength, and more importantly, confidence in those muscles. My recent foray into running and "ellipticalling (especially with resistance)" on a regular basis can only have helped to bolster that. Even though it burns, sometimes I think I can sit in a wall squat pose, legs at the right angle, and read "War and Peace" or at least "The Far Side Compendium" end to end without quitting on the exercise. Luv it luv it luv it...
The back part, much of which was worked out with different pull-ups (and mutiple sets of them) was a different story. Now, I'm not ashamed to say I used a chair to help plow through 1-2 extra reps per set on these, but I guaran-damn-tee ya I was putting as much of the "work" into the right muscles as possible to max-rep that workout. I wanna get ripped baby... and I'm gonna get there by BRINGING IT!!!
I really appreciate all the support I've gotten from the readers and friends and family. I know some of you follow this "anonymously" and that's cool... But even a unknown reader is support.
Thanks again, keep it real... and we'll see ya tomorrow after KENPO X!!!! (or as I like to call it - "How to be a complete novice at a martial art, follow a DVD instructor, and not accidentally kick your dog"
(And, I do have to put in a obligatory GO PACK GO!!!!!)
So lets start with P3X, Shoulders and Arms.
Don't get me wrong, this was a FAN-FRIGGIN-TASTIC workout, but I'm still struggling with the concept of resistance bands and proper selection of and augmentation of said bands to provide the proper amount of work to failure in the appropriate number of reps.
Wow, that sounds kinda bad-ass, like I almost know all the lingo!!!! Truth be told, except for the "to's" and "the's" I only know the work "augmentation".... and some of you readers know why I would know all about an "augmentation"....
UH-HUH..... know... for musical chords... major, minor, diminished, augmented. I have musician friends. You know who you are.
Oh yeah, for some reason, that reminds me... HI SINDERZ!
So resistance bands and recording the set properly are still a bit weird to me.
Normally, with say, dumbbells (the weight kind, not the Dan kind) you would record # of reps to amount of weight... like 20 reps at 5 lbs (and then get all excited about your general awesomeness).
With the resistance bands, don't get me wrong, they do their job and provide resistance just fine... but I have to record it like... "10 reps at 'red' resistance band with approximately 1-1/2" diameter loop stepped on by my right foot, and by the way, my leg is approximately 36 inches to the waist.... (etc etc etc)" to accurately grab all the variables at play and truly track what I'm doing.
If someone out there has a better formula and it accurately tracks the workout, I'm all eEars.
So arms and shoulders, check. Good tiring workout... and of course, included MORE Mason Twists with the Ab Ripper X portion... I fell over significantly less this time. I'm down to double digits in falling over, and up to double digits in completing Mason Twists.
P4X - Yoga X
As Tony said "Don't fall on your face, that could hurt"
I think he actually said that when preparing for the Crane pose. Or is that the "Crane-X" pose. I digress.
Luv ya both!!!! MUWAH! (There will be important cabinet positions for you both when I am elected King of the world... stay tuned...)
So, this being Yoga... my FIRST experience Yoga-ing... Yoging. Yoganizing? "Doing Yoga" (Why do I want to sing Weird Al's Parody Song "Yoda" every time I say that word????)
I didn't know I had muscles there. And by "there" I mean all those places Yoga makes you discover muscles, just before falling over (and for the next 24 hours of recovery from Yoga X!)
Don't misconstrue, I can do some of those poses quite well for some genetic reason (I can only surmise) such as the "Lotus" (or, sit there, close your eyes, and do nothing).
But when Tony says "Now hop into the Warrior 3 position" and all the fitness peeps on the video stand with 90% of their body on a horizontal plane perpendicular to their one leg holding them up by the third toe from the right... well... I tend to fall over. By the thirtyeth or fortyeth attempt, I was able to actually do it. Well, I held the pose for roughly 0.0001202 seconds before falling over, BUT I HELD THE POSE!!!!!! SUCKAS!!!!!
I'm thinking of upgrading my yoga mat from the simple one I have to a Sealy Mattress with a feather top. That way, when I inevitably fall on my face, it will hurt SLIGHTLY less.
P5X - Legs and Back
Some of these workouts were, and I use this word purposefully, GLORIOUS...
I love the wall squats, especially the one-legged ones. That stuff I used to do in High School when I was on the track team. The one part of my body that somehow stayed relatively "in shape" all these years have been my thighs and calves. I have strength, and more importantly, confidence in those muscles. My recent foray into running and "ellipticalling (especially with resistance)" on a regular basis can only have helped to bolster that. Even though it burns, sometimes I think I can sit in a wall squat pose, legs at the right angle, and read "War and Peace" or at least "The Far Side Compendium" end to end without quitting on the exercise. Luv it luv it luv it...
The back part, much of which was worked out with different pull-ups (and mutiple sets of them) was a different story. Now, I'm not ashamed to say I used a chair to help plow through 1-2 extra reps per set on these, but I guaran-damn-tee ya I was putting as much of the "work" into the right muscles as possible to max-rep that workout. I wanna get ripped baby... and I'm gonna get there by BRINGING IT!!!
I really appreciate all the support I've gotten from the readers and friends and family. I know some of you follow this "anonymously" and that's cool... But even a unknown reader is support.
Thanks again, keep it real... and we'll see ya tomorrow after KENPO X!!!! (or as I like to call it - "How to be a complete novice at a martial art, follow a DVD instructor, and not accidentally kick your dog"
(And, I do have to put in a obligatory GO PACK GO!!!!!)
07 January 2011
Heading out of town where there is no internet...
P3X and P4X updates on Sunday... with a P5X update as well!!!!
06 January 2011
P2X - Learning the Plyometric System
See, I went into this having never heard the word "Plyometrics" before and (*sigh* - I know I'm about to waste my best joke of the day right here...) I grew up on the PlyoEnglish measurement system, so I knew it would take some time to adjust.
Cuz it's metric.
And I live in America.
Where we don't believe in things like "base-10 measurements"
Really? That was my BEST joke of the day?
Plyometrics... otherwise known as 1 hour of jumping and squatting and lifting your leg.
Heheh. There's a joke in there too... squatting and lifting your leg...
Seriously, it was a fantastic aerobic workout as well because of the concentration on proper breathing. I'm a little upset that my workout mat is slippery-backed, making it impractical for a "jumping" based set of exercises, and my carpeting is just too thin to provide a cushioned cat-like landing. My knees are in good shape, so they can handle it for now, but I'll want to do something about that sooner than later. I'm thinking either a better mat, or perhaps putting velcro on the bottom to keep it in place. I'd use magnets because I have a pre-disposition to believing that magnets can fix anything. In fact, if MacGyver had discovered magnets, he'd have thrown away both his Swiss Army Knife AND his roll of Duct Tape - I kid you not. Magnets are like natures glue... or... anti-glue... all at the same time. SO AWESOME.
What was I talking about?
Lets see.... anti-glue...glue...magnets...MacGyver... velcro...AH! Workout mat.
This is technically still a workout blog.
So - I got to do (an obnoxious number of times) a Heisman pose. It felt natural... like I was born to win the trophy... ok maybe not... perhaps my body semi-resembling a toothpick with a nose in High School and College prevented that from happening, but hey, that's why I'm BRINGING IT with P90X now!!!! So I can go back to High School and join the football team en route to winning the Heisman in college! Wait... that's not right either.
MAN - I am off my comedic game today.
Better quit while I'm ahead.
Plyometrics. Very cool. Learned two important things.
1) I look absolutely silly trying to do a baseball style pitch lefthanded. I almost fell over 10 out of 8 times. You read that right.
2) My basement ceiling is WAAAAAYYY too short for jumping style exercises. Good thing it'll be a couple weeks before I'm consistently bashing my knuckles and head into it :)
Tomorrow is P3X - AND the return of the Ab Ripper X and those Mason Twists... Oh... those Mason Twists... I won't have nice things to say about that tomorrow either....
05 January 2011
P1X - Chest and Back and a Little Ab Ripper X OH MY!!!!
(Note - this posting is dedicated to everyone's first day with P90X. If you haven't done it, then please understand that 84.7% of the jokes may not resonate...)
So chest and back you say? Pushing and pulling? Push ups and Pull ups?
Alrighty then! I'm warmed up (OH!!! Look what you did on those arm circles, you made me THINK you were going into rotation #4, but really you were REVERSING the arm circles!!!! YOU!!!!!!)
So now you've warned me multiple times to "pace myself" on the first go-round cuz we're gonna do this all a second time.
**Authors Note: Having never done exercises in a gym before where I had to deal with "sets" this can be a bit daunting to figure out what "pace yourself because another set is coming" means....
(Fast Forward to 12 Chest/Back exercises later....)
So... Set #2 and boy have the reps gone dooooowwwwnnnnn.....
But you know what... fuhgeddaboutit... I did those 12 killer exercises... though quite a few less reps.... the second time too... cuz that's how I **BRING IT**
Consider it BROUGHTEN!!!!!
YEAH!!!! I MADE THAT CHEST AND BACK DISC MY B... what??? Ab Ripper X starts RIGHT NOW??? I'm gonna hate it but love it? What, like Wasabi on my Sushi? Like cloves in my ham? Like pleasuring myself with a cheese grater? (OK, now, to be fair, I ONLY put that last bit in there because Dan's going to read this and I was hoping he'd be drinking something while he read it and did a spit-take all over his laptop. So... here's hoping...)
Ok Ab Ripper X... let's see what you go- OH MY WORD!!!! What... what are these froggy clappy things, and why do I keep falling over when I do them? Has anyone realized that NONE of these exercises are normal movements found in nature? By any animal, vegetable or mineral?
So, a protein recovery drink and some time later, I only KINDA feel like I'm going to barf, but I'm sure that'll go away in the next year or so... so that's good.
Tomorrow.. Plyometrics... I'll Bring It... oh yes... (and for the record, I'm quite certain Plyometrics will bring it as well)....
The food in the nutrition plan looks amazingly delicious!!!
I'm taking pictures daily, but I'll only post them every 10 days (after every 10th workout).
Because nobody should be subjected to seeing me topless EVERY DAY.... :)
04 January 2011
P-0-X.... Tomorrow is Day 1 (Warning, some material may be disturbing to the weak-stomached...)
Today is my last day of not "Bringing It" (as the tagline would go)....
So, from 1/5/11 and for the 89 days following, I will be building my musculars as best as possible...
There's really only one thing left to do at this point, and that's to post the "before" pictures...
I assume there'll be much snickering, but hey, isn't that the point? To go from "skinny little git" to something a little better.
Here's to skinny dudes everywhere!!! Hopefully I can inspire some other skinny gits as well ;)
Here we go, in true self-deprecating fashion:
PICTURE ONE!!! The Frontal Shot!!!!!

Ok, so we see here, that yes... I'm skinny, with a "tuft" of chest hair and an apparent love for the Milwaukee Brewers. I'm not that guy with da-beer-belly looking to lose it, just the guy who wants to actually DO SOMETHING about his physique before my metabolism realizes I'm not a teenager anymore. (PS - note to self, take P90X Nutrition Plan seriously...)
On to picture 2, the side shot... or as I like to call it... SCOLIOSIS?

As you can see clearly, I have no clue if there's anyway to properly straighten my spine. Maybe if I add "hanging upside down at night" to my list of exercises... you may also notice my chest is roughly as flat as Taylor Swift singing live (ZING!!!!!!!!!).... Looking to address that in the next 90 days, of course... I'd also like to thank my dog Sammy for her undying support...or...nosiness during the photography... Don't go away, the funny pictures are coming....
Picture 3, the back, or as I call it "MY GOOD SIDE!"

Ok, first and foremost, I didn't have a "wedgie" (not even a leftover from High School)... it's the unfortunate stitching on the Milwaukee Brewers shorts. The only thing to note here really is that I only went through three or four razors man-scaping my back. I kid. Or... do I....???? No, I do. Do I? Hmmm...
Now for the picture you've all been waiting for...
THE GUNS!!!!!! (Well, maybe at this point, the Warhammer-Miniature-Pistole's would be more appropriate)

What can I say...
Yep... really... what can I say....?
New posts will be fast and furious moving forward. Similar pictures will be taken daily. Hoping to make a flipbook when done. And of course, my "before and after" photos should slightly resemble the following when done:

01 January 2011
NUTS!!!! Oh well, it's justa couple days...
So, P-0-X was SUPPOSED to be today, I have the pull up bar, the resistance bands, the push up grips, and all sorts of "wicking" clothing...
But no DVD's.
So, we're at P (-2) X today, with plans for a good run, a Rose Bowl victory for the Wisconsin Badgers, and a slight wait until the DVD's arrive..
Stay tuned....
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