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06 January 2011

P2X - Learning the Plyometric System

See, I went into this having never heard the word "Plyometrics" before and (*sigh* - I know I'm about to waste my best joke of the day right here...) I grew up on the PlyoEnglish measurement system, so I knew it would take some time to adjust.

Cuz it's metric.

And I live in America.

Where we don't believe in things like "base-10 measurements"



Really? That was my BEST joke of the day?


Plyometrics... otherwise known as 1 hour of jumping and squatting and lifting your leg.

Heheh. There's a joke in there too... squatting and lifting your leg...

Seriously, it was a fantastic aerobic workout as well because of the concentration on proper breathing. I'm a little upset that my workout mat is slippery-backed, making it impractical for a "jumping" based set of exercises, and my carpeting is just too thin to provide a cushioned cat-like landing. My knees are in good shape, so they can handle it for now, but I'll want to do something about that sooner than later. I'm thinking either a better mat, or perhaps putting velcro on the bottom to keep it in place. I'd use magnets because I have a pre-disposition to believing that magnets can fix anything. In fact, if MacGyver had discovered magnets, he'd have thrown away both his Swiss Army Knife AND his roll of Duct Tape - I kid you not. Magnets are like natures glue... or... anti-glue... all at the same time. SO AWESOME.

What was I talking about?

Lets see.... anti-glue...glue...magnets...MacGyver... velcro...AH! Workout mat.

This is technically still a workout blog.

So - I got to do (an obnoxious number of times) a Heisman pose. It felt natural... like I was born to win the trophy... ok maybe not... perhaps my body semi-resembling a toothpick with a nose in High School and College prevented that from happening, but hey, that's why I'm BRINGING IT with P90X now!!!! So I can go back to High School and join the football team en route to winning the Heisman in college! Wait... that's not right either.

MAN - I am off my comedic game today.

Better quit while I'm ahead.

Plyometrics. Very cool. Learned two important things.

1) I look absolutely silly trying to do a baseball style pitch lefthanded. I almost fell over 10 out of 8 times. You read that right.

2) My basement ceiling is WAAAAAYYY too short for jumping style exercises. Good thing it'll be a couple weeks before I'm consistently bashing my knuckles and head into it :)

Tomorrow is P3X - AND the return of the Ab Ripper X and those Mason Twists... Oh... those Mason Twists... I won't have nice things to say about that tomorrow either....


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