Today is my last day of not "Bringing It" (as the tagline would go)....
So, from 1/5/11 and for the 89 days following, I will be building my musculars as best as possible...
There's really only one thing left to do at this point, and that's to post the "before" pictures...
I assume there'll be much snickering, but hey, isn't that the point? To go from "skinny little git" to something a little better.
Here's to skinny dudes everywhere!!! Hopefully I can inspire some other skinny gits as well ;)
Here we go, in true self-deprecating fashion:
PICTURE ONE!!! The Frontal Shot!!!!!

Ok, so we see here, that yes... I'm skinny, with a "tuft" of chest hair and an apparent love for the Milwaukee Brewers. I'm not that guy with da-beer-belly looking to lose it, just the guy who wants to actually DO SOMETHING about his physique before my metabolism realizes I'm not a teenager anymore. (PS - note to self, take P90X Nutrition Plan seriously...)
On to picture 2, the side shot... or as I like to call it... SCOLIOSIS?

As you can see clearly, I have no clue if there's anyway to properly straighten my spine. Maybe if I add "hanging upside down at night" to my list of exercises... you may also notice my chest is roughly as flat as Taylor Swift singing live (ZING!!!!!!!!!).... Looking to address that in the next 90 days, of course... I'd also like to thank my dog Sammy for her undying support...or...nosiness during the photography... Don't go away, the funny pictures are coming....
Picture 3, the back, or as I call it "MY GOOD SIDE!"

Ok, first and foremost, I didn't have a "wedgie" (not even a leftover from High School)... it's the unfortunate stitching on the Milwaukee Brewers shorts. The only thing to note here really is that I only went through three or four razors man-scaping my back. I kid. Or... do I....???? No, I do. Do I? Hmmm...
Now for the picture you've all been waiting for...
THE GUNS!!!!!! (Well, maybe at this point, the Warhammer-Miniature-Pistole's would be more appropriate)

What can I say...
Yep... really... what can I say....?
New posts will be fast and furious moving forward. Similar pictures will be taken daily. Hoping to make a flipbook when done. And of course, my "before and after" photos should slightly resemble the following when done:

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