I'm 70 days into P90X... well, 72 to be exact. Week 11 has begun, and boy are my arms tired!
Week 11 represents the "final" occasion on the regular program to do the "Chest and Back" DVD (note - there are more chest and back exercises on other DVD's, but this is the last one with that particular routine).
That's a freaking milestone!!
I know you're all dying to see my Adonis-esque photos, but I don't have any today to share... Well, that's not true, I have one of my arm that I took about 2 weeks ago... here it is:

That was taken around Day 60, about 10 days ago. Nono, it's not "relaxed" it's in a stretch pose that accentuates the tricep.. .but still.. not too bad for 60 days in!
So now at Day 70 (FINE... 72) I wanted to share something I am quite proud of, to be honest. It's my "Chest and Back Chart" from the P90X spreadsheet application. The exercises graphed in it are push ups / pull ups and weight exercises focusing on the back (lawnmowers, heavy pants, seated back flys) and what made me happy was the consistent improvement. In fact, after I purchased the dumbbells, I found out that by now, some of these exercises I will need to increase the weight in order to continue to challenge myself. The next step for the push up style exercises is to possibly slow the exercise down to a crawl to increase the workload... should be fun!
Either way, I've got just a couple weeks left, but I still thought this was a really cool thing to share. So I'm sharing. So there.

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