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30 November 2011

GUEST POST - Liz Davies: "How to Counteract Cancer Treatment Symptoms with Exercise"

Hello all! BradK is turning the pen over to Liz Davies with this posting. Please enjoy! If you have any ideas for a guest posting, feel free to contact me at my email address on my profile. Thanks!

Liz Davies is a recent college graduate and aspiring writer especially interested in health and wellness. She wants to make a difference in people’s lives because she sees how cancer has devastated so many people in this world. Liz also likes running, playing lacrosse, reading and playing with her dog, April.

How to Counteract Cancer Treatment Symptoms with Exercise

Cancer treatments, like radiation and chemotherapy, are well known to produce a variety of rough symptoms. These can include insomnia, exhaustion, nausea, depression and vomiting. Many cancer patients reveal that they lose the urge to complete everyday tasks and no longer desire to live independently. Everyone going through cancer treatment has a different experience but exercise has been shown to combat a plethora of the negative symptoms associated with treatment and allow people to lead healthier lives spiritually, emotionally and physically.

Staying physically fit can help people undergoing cancer treatment by fighting nausea, improving appetite, and allowing for more restful sleep. Physical activity allows the body to crave rest and food both of which are necessary for cancer patients.

Exercise also has many psychological benefits. Endorphins are released when the body gets to a certain level in a work out and when they are released, they create higher pleasure areas in the brain. This lowers negative ideas and combats depression. Exercise also gives many people more self confidence which is useful for many cancer patients.

Spiritually, the act of exercise can be very positive. Yoga, pilates, and tai chi are excellent forms of physical activity that can provide meditation through gentle, repetitive motions. Many people also find peace through running, swimming and walking.

Cancer patients who feel healthy physically, emotionally and spiritually have a better chance of staying independent throughout their treatment process. Remaining active increases the mobility of joints and muscles which allows for better movement and balance. Muscle loss is also a common symptom that can be avoided through strength training. Being able to remain independent also increases confidence and leads to a more positive outlook.

An exercise routine doesn’t need to end with a cancer diagnosis. This gives people a bigger reason to remain (or become) active. Physical activity regimens need to be planned out with doctors and trainers who specialize in teaching cancer patients. These ideas are good for people going through all different types of cancer treatments, whether that is chemotherapy for mesothelioma treatment or surgery for breast cancer treatment. Thinking about the benefits of exercise for cancer patients is also beneficial for everyone else who is involved in the patients’ lives.

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