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07 January 2010

The Early Birds

On my way to 12 billion followers by 2011, I'd like to personally thank "The 5"

Like Battlestar Galactica's 5, these 5 will have an extremely important role in shaping humanity as we know it moving forward.

For starters, there's Jenny Kostreva - who will bask in the fame and fortune along with me as we go viral baby... Global Web Domination.

Rick Ditter - "You're the meaning in my blog... you're the inspiration..." Or rather.. yeah. You know... You shall lead my entourage. Like in that show on HBO... "Oz"

MMaxwell - I'm not sure if you have time to be in my entourage with all that shopping you do with Jessica Simpson, but I would be honored of course to have you along!

Bakey - Good things will come of this... my fame is your gain...

Ryan Scott - I will try SO HARD to dig up the old Euro-Trip blog posts and get those on here!

So - there is is, we are 5/12,000,000,000 of the way to our goal. I will be working on syndication and re-feeding on Facebook and all that, and hopefully do some video blogging linked into YoubTube.

Just remember - tell your friends to follow... and their friends... and their friends... This is gonna be AWESOME!!!

More soon...

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