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01 February 2010

Let's Discuss....

Hey all,

I recently read an article on "full body scanners" being implemented in the UK at the airports. The article can be reviewed here:

Towards the end of the article, there is a quote from a representative of a campaign group called "Big Brother Watch" that goes a little something like this...

"What kind of a free society does the Government think it is 'protecting', when it invades our privacy like this? When we are forced to expose ourselves at the airport in order to go on holiday, the terrorists have won."

That made me think about how to define when "terrorists have won"...

Now, me personally, I think when terrorists blow up our airplanes, they have won. At the same time, I can appreciate where the sentiment expressed above comes from. It's been said that "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." (by Benjamin Franklin)

This quote has been the calling card for people who are anti-PATRIOT Act, anti-body scanners, etc. The essence of what Ben Franklin was saying is certainly valid. However, I wonder if he intentionally used the following phrases/words:

"give up" - suggesting voluntary
"Essential" - can't do without (without undermining the meaning or spirit of the term)
"little" - not much
"Temporary" - not permanent

So there's that. Then there's the issue of "terrorists have won"

It's true that terrorism's nature is to affect the standard of living of a person or group of people to make them live in fear. I put to you this question: would you fly on an airplane in a heightened state or lessened state of fear KNOWING that everyone's been screened using the most advanced technology possible to ensure that there's no (or negligible) risk that someone will be successful in blowing up the airplane?

That question, I think, is personal. I might travel with a renewed sense of safety if I know everyone was screened to ensure there are no explosive devices. My quality of life is improved because I am not afraid, and my "lifestyle" has not been affected because I can still freely move about via air travel. Others might feel differently.

I think there are two ways to ensure that the plane I am on is not blown up:

1) Ensure there aren't any people out there that want to do it
2) Ensure the ones that do, don't get on the plane

I think attaining option 2 is a little easier than option 1...




  1. Nobody wins when I am seen naked.

    Seriously though, the terrorists win when we let our guard down and they get to claim their 72 virgins in heaven.

  2. Mike, I typically like to argue for the sake of arguing, but I'm not going to debate your first comment.

    And really... you don't have to be a martyr to get 72 virgins... just head over to GenCon.

  3. Scan away! We women are used to guys undressing us with their eyes. LOL What's the difference if a scanner does it? In this case if it means I am safer for being scanned along with everyone else who boards the same plane, then so be it. Those of you who don't want to do it don't have to fly then.

    As for those 72 "virgins" is heaven? - a man barely handle 1 woman let alone 72 of them (dream on Islam!)


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