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07 February 2010

Blatant Cross-Promotion

Hey everybody!

Miss me? Yeah, me too.

So, here's a little bit of blatant cross-promotion because it's my blog and I can do what I want to, so there.

I have recently become involved with a Independent Movie Production of a film called "Love In IV Acts". Now, don't, like me, think that "IV" means "Intravenous" as though the love gets mainlined into a person like a saline drip. It's not like that at all. Apparently, those kooky Romans use LETTERS for NUMBERS. So, the great and might Roman Empire, as advanced as they were in technology and art and blahblahblah, REALLY couldn't come up with a system similar to "1...2...3....3.....3...." (that's for Ditter's benefit, by the way)...

No, no, how about I... II... III... III... III... I..V!!!! Nice work Nero.. way to be innovative.

That, my friends, is called a random tangent. I go on them often, and sometimes never return. I think I'm going to return this time, because "Love in IV (4, for those not keeping up) Acts" is a super-cool project using super awesome local people (with one dude from L.A.) to create a super-awesome film.

SO... On Facebook, cuz I know all-y'all have accounts, join the group "Love in IV Acts" and consider donating 2 beers worth of money (or a LOT more if you want) to support this project. As the sound guy, I'd really appreciate your donations because it's the difference between me getting some high quality SHURE LAV's and a Boom Mic and using soup cans and a string plugged into a donkey we re-creates the sound.

I hate the donkey method. And they really hate the part where I plug in the string.

It's also important to join the group for MORAL SUPPORT because we believe in this project and we believe you can believe, I believe.

More importantly, we need the money to buy the digital video editing equipment to make Dan look good. We don't know if that software is written yet, or is we need to call Pixar.. thought if we call Pixar, I think we'll end up with Dan digitally edited to look like Mr. Potato Head from Toy Story. Although an improvement.. it might make the story take a wicked turn during the "deep fryer" scene... I dunno... maybe.


In conclusitorium, DO IT. Join the group, donate what you can, if you can, provide moral support (God knows we need some morals here), and wait eagerly on the edge of your seat for the premiere of "Love in IV Acts". (And, that's the *front* edge, as in anticipation, not the "back edge" like you did trying to live through "Michael Clayton")



  1. Someone's cranky he got "cast" as the soundman...

  2. Dan, that comment was so funny, I wouldn't be surprised if you did a massive spittake at your own funniness. Seriously, though, that was gross... so glad I wasn't sitting where Stephie was. It's bad enough my computer smells like Monster.


Yes you can leave comments. I encourage it. But I refuse to allow comments from that "Anonymous" person...

You got something to say? Put your name to it!