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04 May 2010

Happy Star Wars Day Everybody!

And now, a collection of anecdotal Star Wars thoughts in no random order whatsoever.

Thanks to a few others for their contributions:

- "May the 4th" be with you!

- A Joke:
What did the R2 unit say to the Mon Calamari?
"Bleep boop beep doo whee!!"

- Why does a guy named "Solo" have a partner?

- Is there anything a buttload of Force Lightening can't solve? Well, until it unloads a Phantom Menace in your pants...

- "Ewoks" funny after riding a Bantha all day... (Groaner Foul!)

- How many midiclorians does it take to make a Jedi? Apparently a bloodstream full at first, then, as happens, science gives way to mythology and the force becomes a mystical energy that makes lightening come out of your fingers.

- Really Empire? After the first Death Star was destroyed because of an exhaust port that caused a chain reaction, you didn't think that the MASSIVE HOLE in the next Death Star big enough to fly a Millennium Falcon through would be a problem?

- We need to hide Anakin's (Vader's) kids from him to protect them from his evil ways... I KNOW!!! Let's hide one of them on his HOME PLANET!!! Even better.. let's hide him with his FAMILY!!!!

- When did Han Solo's handcuffs "fall off" after he was frozen and before Leia thawed him?

- Here's a tough call... what was more damaging to the legacy of Star Wars: Jar-Jar Binks, or the entire "Clone Wars" CGI Movie?

- Sorry, that was a trick question, clearly the Wookie Family Christmas Card takes that cake...

- Top Five parodies of Star Wars from #5 to #1
5) Something Something Something Dark Side (Family Guy)
4) Family Guy: Blue Harvest
3) Robot Chicken Star Wars
2) Robot Chicken Star Wars 2
1) Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace

- Little known fact: Hayden Christensen caused more re-shoots during his lightsaber scenes because he kept making the sound effects of the lightsaber during filming.

- Estimated Cost to build the Death Star: $43,000,000,000,000

- What's George Lucas' obsession with "de-handing" people via lightsaber?

- Did... Did Darth Vader just say "People will come, Ray"???

Well, that's all I have for now...

I have just joined "Twitter" or as I like to call it, Facebook on ADHD, so I highly recommend you follow "TheBradK" on Twitter for my latest quicky Musings.

Ciao all!


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