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11 July 2013

An Unsolicited Thing I Wrote For A Shaving Cream Company

First and foremost, a link to their Facebook page where the "thing" is posted. In picture form. Probably so no one could edit or steal it and claim it as their own. CUZ IT'S MINE!!!!!! :-)


And now, without further adieu.....

My endorsement of "LUCKY TIGER SHAVE LOTION"!!!!!

Let's be serious. Shaving sucks. Every couple days, my face decides to break out in a bad case of "hair". I didn't ask for this! It was imposed upon me. This isn't even the nice soft hair that's (mostly still) on my head that encourages soft and pretty lady-hands to run through. No no, this is the wiry, sharp vestiges of barb-wire fence poking out of my body.

So I run a sharp blade across my face on a regular basis, on my lip and chin, my cheeks and my jugular just so I am not described as "fuzzy", "rough", "homeless", "destitute" or "Amish".