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30 August 2010

Update: The 2010 Walk & Run for Wishes Raises over $80,000 for the Make-a-Wish Foundation

Friday night was a quiet, low key night for me. My dog and I simply ate a quiet dinner (well, mine was quiet, she is actually a noisy eater) and then relaxed for a bit before calling it a night a little earlier than normal. In nine hours, my sister, her husband and their kids would be over for a quick pre-run breakfast, where assuredly, I would need to provide a hint of coffee for asking them to wake up so early on a Saturday.

Saturday morning, the alarm went off at 6am, and I woke up after a fantastic sleep. The day had arrived for the Walk for Wishes. In reality, it’s a simple 5k walk/run in Milwaukee, one of several that occur every year near the lakefront. But this one was certainly different. In my attempt to do something active and healthy, I quite innocently chose an event off of a flyer I got at Summerfest this year that mentioned an organization I was familiar with. I honestly hadn’t known the emotions and memories that participation in this specific event would bring up. Not just within myself, but my entire family, my friends, and many readers of the different internet sites that Gabe’s story was redistributed.

At last count, I believe Gabe’s story was “shared” on Facebook several dozen times (that I know of – I found out at the event that others had shared it and I hadn’t even known! Even Vince Condella knew my sister and I by name because he had read and shared the story on his Facebook page), we received very kind comments and emails and memories of my brother, and a lot of support from many different people. This includes many people we had never met before but were touched by Gabe’s story and the work Make-a-Wish had done with our family and continues to do. Gabe’s wish in 1987 was the 58th Wish granted by the foundation. Since 1984, they have granted nearly 4000 Wishes.

So we met some more family at the run (my aunt and uncle, cousin and a family friend), and took in quite a sight. I’m not sure I’ve done a 5k in Milwaukee since I was a little kid doing “Al’s Run” (well, “Al’s Walk” for me, I was 5 at the time), but the sheer number of people was quite amazing. This wasn’t like going to Summerfest and seeing gobs of people, this was seeing gobs of people nearly all there with an honest emotional purpose and investment. Participant Teams had signs decorated with pictures and messages to the Wish Kids they were walking in honor or support of, other teams had custom T-Shirts made…

(Anecdotally, there were also some people there who simply wanted to run another 5k, the cause was secondary. I met one guy who runs *all* of them and claimed he was addicted to Milwaukee 5k’s. I wonder if there’s a support group for them. Is a “12-Step Program” a pun at that point?)

So, thousands participated that day (for the record, I ran the 5k in a nothing-to-brag-about 27 minutes – though for my first 5k run ever, I’m not sad about it), and over $80,000 was raised from the event in donations!

Our team, Team Bu-Streva (sister’s last name “Buus”, my last name “Kostreva” – yeah, you get where I’m going with that one…) raised OVER $2600 in just 10 days and that’s THANKS TO YOU for supporting the foundation. It was never about us and our team, but rather the Make-a-Wish Foundation and everything they can accomplish. The organization is exceptionally highly rated in terms of non-profits, with 82.6% of every dollar raised going straight to Wish Granting.

As a final note, our team was considered a “Gold Star” team for having raised over $2500. For achieving that, we became the “sponsor” of a specific Wish Kid and were given a Gold Star with the Wish Kid’s name on it, as well as the story of his wish. Like my brother, this Wish Kid wants to go to Disney World in Florida. Later this year, a surprise limousine will pick up him and his family and drive them to the airport for their trip to Orlando. They will be staying at a special resort designed for Wish Kids called “Give Kids the World Village,” go the Disney Theme Parks, and have a special meal while down there with Mickey Mouse and friends. This Wish is able to be granted, not thanks to our team, but thanks to all of you who donated to the Make-a-Wish Foundation via our team. In a personal note to us from Patti Gorsky, President of the Make-a-Wish Foundation of Wisconsin, she shared the following – which is a note to all of you who donated as much as it’s a letter to us.

“Thank you for all you have done to make wishes come true in Gabe’s memory. His legacy lives on through your efforts.”

Team Bu-Streva - (Left to Right and relationship to Gabe)

Brad Kostreva (Brother), Shannon Jevorutsky (Cousin), Linda Bradle (Aunt), Jim Bradle (crouching, Uncle), Andrew Buus (Step-Nephew-in-Law), Gavin Buus (Step-Nephew-in-Law), Tim Buus (Brother-in-Law), Kristy Buus (Sister), Matthew “Chuey” Rangel (Family Friend)

Thousands of Participants Raised over $80,000 for the Make-a-Wish Foundation at this event!

Team Bu-Streva Co-Captains Brad Kostreva and Kristy Buus (Gabe’s brother and sister). Brad is wearing the “Goofy Hat” that Gabe wore when Make-a-Wish granted his wish and sent them to Disney World in 1987.

It was a beautiful morning for a run. Clear skies and a gentle breeze off the lake helped stave off what felt like 400% humidity!

Team Bu-Streva Co-Captains Brad Kostreva and Kristy Buus pose with Make-a-Wish Foundation of Wisconsin President Patti Gorsky and Fox 6 Meteorologist Vince Condella. Brad is holding a participation plaque while Kristy is holding a “Gold Star” with the name of a Wish Kid our team’s donations helped to sponsor.

19 August 2010

Memories of a Wish Kid, My Brother, Gabriel Wayne Kostreva

It's a bit mind-boggling, but I can now state that I have memories from more than 25 years ago. Now, I'm not all that old in the grand scheme of things, barely in my thirties, but I pondered recently some very clear memories and realized, wow, that was over two and a half decades ago!

Now, that part of my life should have been the same as most kids; Saturday morning cartoons, my early school years, playing on bikes and running around outside. And, in reality, I clearly remember watching Looney Toones while eating coco-puffs (slowly, so the milk would turn to CHOCOLATE MILK, of course), I remember riding outside my house on the sidewalks and streets of Kenosha with friends from the neighbourhood and church (it was a silver and red Huffy bike which I rode both with and without training wheels), etc etc etc... I had Go-Bots, some GI Joes, a few Star Wars toys and a cat named Munchkin (who started off as a little skinny calico kitten, got "fixed" and blew up into a fatso - but she was very sweet). I remember the day we got some new-fangled "Cable TV", visiting the grandparents houses, (I even remember my maternal grandparents farm house in some blurry fleeting memories, which, according to my estimated timelines would make me 3 or 4).

But my "normal" childhood memories come with a little bit extra.

I grew up in a 5 person family for the first several years of my life. I was the "middle child" - born 18 months after (almost to the day!) my older brother Gabe, and 18 months before my "baby" sister Kristy. On April 26th, 1987, just a week or so before I turned 8, my five-person family, sadly and tragically became a four-person family. But, forgive me as I'm going to tell the end of the story at the end. First, let me back up about 5 years...

In mid to late 1982 I was barely three years old, and I remember sitting in an examining room at the local hospital. I remember rubber straps that "snapped" like a rubber-band and I remember being there at least one time. I can still sometimes smell the utlra-sanitized clinical smell of that place, and anytime I'm around a hospital or medical facility, that smell flashes back into my mind this memory.

What was happening at this time was Gabe was being examined because of a jaundiced condition on his body. Basically, he turned a strange yellowish-tan color all over his body. A few appointments and scans and tests later, and the hospital had diagnosed him with a form of Hepatitis.

About three months later, the Hepatitis and jaundiced condition hadn't cleared up, so the family pediatrician recommended we go to Milwaukee Children's Hospital (MCH) to have Gabe re-assessed. Dr. Stye from MCH took a few looks at the scans and results from his first diagnosis and essentially threw it out and had Gabe re-examined.

The results were as difficult as they were heartbreaking.

Gabe was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma just before his 5th birthday, in October of 1982.

From "Google Health":
Neuroblastoma is a malignant (cancerous) tumor that develops from nerve tissue. It occurs in infants and children.

Gabe's tumor was causing pressure on his common bile duct, backing up bile (which is a yellow digestive fluid) to spread through his bloodstream, hence, the jaundiced coloration.

There aren't many specific series of events that I can remember for the next two or three years, but I have images and flashes of memories of my brother and the life that we lived around a year and a half of treatments. And if you know anything about cancer, these treatments are just plain old torture on the body.

But that's not what sticks with me. In fact, very very few of my own memories are anything but a smiling Gabe. Despite a couple rounds of chemotherapy, whole body irradiation and at least one bone marrow transplant, my memories of Gabe are actually mostly just of having an older brother who went bald earlier than most men in my family. I can't honestly imagine the level of strength, courage, and faith Gabe found within himself and his family, friends and doctors that kept him moving forward. Even when he had an incision in his belly as the doctors re-routed his bile ducts to prevent the bile backup, he always, along with my parents, was willing to keep his spirits very high. We used to joke about "charlie" (I believe that was the name of the catheter that my mom had to clean and dress) and the "ketchup" that had to be applied during the cleanings.

We had mostly normal Christmases and birthdays with Gabe. I remember distinctly one Christmas where my I believe my mom got a new hammer for just regular household picture hangings and whatnot (my mom was a pretty handy interior decorator, she was a wallpaper installer and she did some decorating on some spec homes if memory serves). Well, for some reason, I picked up the hammer and though, well, Tom and Jerry do this all the time, and bonked Gabe on the head with it - probably to see if the "lump" that typically grows a few inches on Tom would actually grow. He looked at me with a ridiculous face for the briefest of moments as I waited for the celebrated prize before starting to cry, and that, my friends, is how I learned bonking people on the head with a hammer hurts them. In retrospect, it's a little funny, not so much because I hurt him of course, but more the bewildered look on his face for a brief moment and my childish expectation of a lump. Oh, don't worry, he got back at me in several ways mom and dad will never know about (as is the normal practice of an older brother getting back at the younger one)!

My brother won a GI Joe Aircraft Carrier from a Milwaukee Channel 18 afternoon cartoon contest of sorts as well, and boy, did we love playing GI Joes with it! Of course, he was the Joe side, and I was Cobra because after all, he wasn't going to get beat by his kid brother at GI Joes! We used to collect those GI Joe "points" from the back of the cardboard packaging and send them in to Hasbro to get some of the not-available-in-stores toys too, like the Sgt. Slaughter toy and the parachuting Joe.

Mixed into these memories are flashes of my brother in the hospital for some of his treatments and check ups, as well as memories of not being home. See, when Gabe was in multi-day (or longer) treatments, my parents had a rough time sorting out getting to Milwaukee to be with him while still getting me and Kristy to school or babysitters or what not. I remember many nights staying at my Aunt and Uncle Kresse's house in Milwaukee, staying with the St. Peter's in Kenosha or with the Mathis's. I remember trips to the Ronald McDonald house in Milwaukee and the cheeseburgers they would give us. These were times when Gabe was certainly tried the hardest. Kids obviously always have a bond with their parents, but there's another "sibling" bond as well, like a sub-team where brothers and sisters have a commonality of purpose and friendship (sometimes based on "surviving being our parents kids" in our own silly ways). I'm sure the hardest of times I was shielded from, with Gabe taking the brunt of it, and my parents aching with him at every turn. But Gabe had friends in the hospital as well. Dr. Casper, or "JC" as Gabe called him (or "Dr. Peanut-Butter-Nose" - though I don't know where that came from other than Gabe's imagination and sense of humor... or possible once Gabe stuck Peanut-Butter on his nose!), as well as many athletes who support the MAACC Fund. The MAACC Fund stands for "Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer" and was supported by many local Milwaukee celebrities such as Jim Gantner, Robin Yount, Paul Molitor, Al McGwire, etc, and they would visit the cancer patients at MCH. I remember meeting a couple of them myself, though they weren't here for me nearly as much as for Gabe, who beamed as best he could when one would visit. Once, right around when the He-Man and She-Ra "Secret of the Swords" movie came out, well, He-Man and She-Ra made an appearance at the hospital as well!

In 1984, Gabe was finished with his treatment and officially, his cancer was in "remission." This is a grace period, both medically and in reality for us. What it basically meant was that the cancer was basically no longer detectable in his body, and the doctors will simply have "check ups" to ensure that it is truly gone for a period of years before announcing that the patient is "cured."

The next 26 months was probably the closest thing my family may have had to "normal life" in that, outside of the normal check-ups, we did the same things that many families did. We took road trips, went to Kenosha Twins minor league baseball games ($10 bucks got a family in, plus a hot dog!), went to school, church, played with friends, trick-or-treated, and just basically enjoyed being a family.

As seems to happen many many times, the final days of Gabe's life came very quickly. In mid to late 1986, after 26 months of remission, the cancer came back with a vengeance. The doctors at MCH could do very little with traditional treatment options because of various reasons, and a new experimental treatment protocol called Interluken 2 was started. I don't necessarily know much about the drug or it's affects on Gabe, but I distinctly remember the name. Perhaps because of how aggressively the cancer had resurged, it may have been difficult to tell the difference between the drugs effect on his body and the cancer's.

Gabe's body and spirit at that point took two distinct stances. His body was failing him. Looking back at pictures between September of 1986 and April of 1987, the changes were extremely dramatic and progressively worse. But my memory of Gabe was something a bit different. His spirit, his "gumption" was exceptionally strong. I think Gabe at that age had a pretty good idea what was going on. I know for a fact that he never gave up, but was fighting a war he also knew he couldn't win.

In the beginning of 1987, Make a Wish came to the house. I don't know who referred them or how they learned about Gabe, and frankly, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that they came, and quite literally gave Gabe, as well as the rest of the family, a wish come true. Gabe wanted to go to Disney World. He also wanted to ride on swamp buggies and air boats in the Everglades and see some 'gators! I remember very vaguely the discussion in our living room when Make-a-Wish talked to my parents about making this happen. I don't know if before then I understood what happy tears were.

Maybe three or four weeks later, we went to the airport. Gabe, still on his Interluken 2 treatment, my parents, my sister and I all walked onto that airplane for an adventure to Florida. We went to Disney World and Epcot Center. Gabe got a "Goofy" hat that had Goofy's nose as the bill and his ears flopping down along the sides. My mom still has that hat today. We went to a gator and snake farm, but that's not the only place we saw gators! I remember on the swamp buggy ride there were gators at the sides of the road. I even remember the sheepdog with the two different colored eyes back where we got on the swamp buggy running around, looking past the dog and seeing gators just hanging out by the road, chillin'. I remember Gabe smiling quite possibly the biggest smile a 9 year old could smile as the air boats loudly tore through the Everglades, skimming across the top of the water. Gabe had as much fun as a 9 year old kid could have. We, as a family, had one more chance to have a son and a brother, to be a family. Me and Gabe and Kristy, we could be kids in a kids favorite place - Disney World. There was so much laughing and smiling.

By the time we came back from Florida (and if I'm not mistaken, we returned a couple days before our luggage did), Gabe's body was in a free-fall. When we left for Florida, Gabe walked onto the plane with the rest of us. When we got back, he was in a wheelchair with an IV for hydration. His body was tired. He was tired. Gabe knew it, but he wasn't going to tell us. No, as far as my sister and I were concerned, he was going to be our big brother, and be as strong as a big brother needs to be.

Shortly after our return from Florida, the doctors informed us that the Interluken 2 had failed. I can't believe I remember this, but I actually can hear my mom trying to explain to me and Kristy that the doctors were going to "make him comfortable" at this point. We were both too young to really know what that meant, and I don't think I ever really knew the end was coming for Gabe. For the last few weeks, we saw Gabe's nurse, Lee, and Lee's DeLorean at the house regularly. When Gabe felt up to it, Lee would take Gabe on mini-trips on the "SS Jedi" (the DeLorean's license plate).

Gabe lost a lot of weight at the end, and was basically just always tired. But I don't remember once him complaining. I have just one or two memories of Gabe after that. Mostly I remember him laying on the couch with the cat, under the afghan that was made for him (I had a matching one - I believe my great-grandmother made them for us).

The rest of the story, I really don't have any memory of, but my mom filled in the blanks for me.

Gabe fell asleep on the 24th of April, 1987, laying on the couch. My dad carried him to bed that night, the lower bunk bed of Gabe and my shared room. He slept the entire next day (I have no memory of that day), and Lee and our Church Pastor Wayne Matejka stayed at his side, and our family's side the entire day and into the night. At 10 or 11 that night, Kristy and I were both asleep when my Dad took us from our beds and put us down on the master bed. I had no idea this had happened.

At 1:30 the morning of April 26th, 1987, my brother, Gabriel Wayne Kostreva, let his body die so his spirit could soar.

It's been 23 years since my brother died, and in reality, I only had about 6 1/2 years to be his kid brother that I can remember. But those 6 1/2 years have given me a lifetime of memories. And even though memories can fade, some things can never go away. The fact that I had a brother, that he was my brother, that will never go away.

Maybe the one thing that bothers me the most is his voice is gone to me. My memories are extremely visual, but not terribly audible. I try and try, but I can't hear his voice, I don't remember what he sounds like. Then one day, not long ago, my Grandpa had his old Betamax Home Movies out, and there was a home movie with my brother in it, laughing and playing and chatting away. As much as I didn't recognize his voice, I still knew it was him, and I have cherished the memory of that moment of watching the video ever since.

My brother would be 33 this November. I often wonder to myself if he'd be proud of me. I'd like to think that despite my own mistakes, flaws and foibles, something about his strength, courage and selflessness made it's way to me. Sometimes, when I make mistakes in life, especially huge mistakes, what can jolt me back is that exact thought. I can be better than this, because my older brother, going through all his trials his entire life, was.

Now, 23 years later, I'm continuously looking for ways to be a better me. I blame Gabe for that mostly. If I'm a better me, I can be a better husband, friend, family member. I need not look far for a hero, for an example of love, strength, faith, and basically all the good things in life.

So, one thing I am doing is supporting the Make-A-Wish foundation by participating in a 5K Run, along with my Sister, her husband, and their two kids, in honor and memory of Gabe, a Wish Kid from 1987. As I explained in my story what Make-A-Wish did for our family, the organization does this for families all over the U.S. - when a family needs it the most.

Consider joining me in supporting the organization. There's a lot of ways to do so. You can participate yourself in a 5K run/walk (they do several of them in different parts of the US). You can donate directly if you want, or you can join me and Kristy and her family by sponsoring us in honor of not just the memory of Gabe, but in honor of who Gabe was, and continues to be in our lives.

Please consider clicking HERE to make a donation or sponsor our run.

06 August 2010

Humankind's Fascination with Balls

GET YOUR COLLECTIVE HEADS OUT OF THE GUTTER (I know, that's asking a lot of some of you... Patti...)

I'm talking about spherical objects we play with starting as youth throughout our adulthood.

*sigh* ok, that didn't help clarify anything... Patti....

I'm talking about round things that bounce... OK.. I'M EXPLICITLY *NOT* TALKING ABOUT TESTICLES OR FORMAL DANCE PARTIES (sheesh...)

So...balls. Baseballs, footballs, soccer balls, tennis balls, golf balls, bouncy-balls, balls balls balls.

We, as kids, want balls. We take our balls and go home if the other kids tick us off, we go to K-Mart and see those HUGE bouncy-balls in the wire cage and have a fit until we can buy one and take it home...

But as much as we want balls... we DON'T want balls!!!


Well, think about it... what do we actually DO with the balls? We play with them by doing what?

Getting rid of them. We throw them, hit them with clubs and bats, kick them, bounce them, bump-set-and-spike them AWAY from us! We want the balls so we can more quickly and efficiently get rid of them. Therefore, we don't want them!!!!

Bouncing - Throwing a ball away at the ground or the wall, hoping it will return to us so we can throw it away again...over and over...

Baseball - Pitchers throw the ball away to a batter who's goal is to hit it away to a player who wants to throw a player out to the pitcher to repeat the process

Soccer - Players kick the ball away from them

Volleyball - team have three chances to hit the ball away from them

Golf - golfers are SO mad at the ball, they spend tons of money on equipment and lessons to hit the ball as far away from them as possible (I assume this anger comes from the ball often taking detours into lakes, "beaches", forests most of the time

So where does this crazy instinct to get rid of balls come from? I believe it's our internal fear that we cannot comprehend the math behind a cylindrical spherical object.

Yeah, I'm going with that. Circles are hard enough. Defined as "an infinite number of points equidistant from a single center on a single plane" - that means every time I've ever drawn a circle, I've drawn an INFINITE number of points. Very quickly, I might add. I would think that's impossible.

Now consider a sphere. An infinite number of points equidistant from a single center on a three-dimensional plane.


Every ball is an infinite number of points... THAT'S SCARY CRAZY!!!!!


03 August 2010

Is it that time? YES! Yes it is...

Howdy ho people of the Earth!

It felt like a proper time to get some things off my mind, so, without further ado...


The man with the golden mane, my friend Fionnegan "Justus" Murphy (I have no clue why I put his actual middle name in quotes) hosted a writing party this past weekend and invited me to participate!

I invite, encourage, nay DEMAND (ok, so not demand) you to check out his website HERE to read through the submissions from the participants, leave a comment, and vote for your favorite! The entries are intentionally anonymous so that everybody doesn't just vote for mine to gain favors from me. (HA!) But vote for the one you think is mine anyways, and I'll love you forever. Or vote for your favorite. Or vote for a free and independent Suriname. Or Las Vegas.


I'm taking a poll to find out what the best "Far Side" comic was. My personal favorite is the "Midvale School for the Gifted" one. Gary Larson captured the spirit of a generation with one simple drawing. He was way ahead of his time as the generation that attends schools these days clearly seems to not be able to read well enough to know how to open a door. I blame Eisenhower.


I've started really enjoying "Tosh.0" on Comedy Central. The guy makes fun of people who do dumb things and post it (or have it posted on the internet). Which, of course, is something I like to do as well.


It's SHARK WEEK on the Discovery Channel. Two things that I'd like to point out. 1) the super-slow-mo cameras for "Ultimate Air Jaws" are unbelievably fantastic. Watching those great whites fully launch their entire bodies out of the water at 1000 frames per second is amazing. 2) The scientists / marine biologists that go into the water with no cage to observe feeding habits and HAND-FEED SHARKS are absolutely insane. More than me. And that's saying something!

I think Shark Week is a worthy follow-up to this past season of Deadliest Catch. Discovery Channel... (with the exception of "The Colony" - I mean, what the..??) Well done!


What's more entertaining? Watching two people (or groups of people) debate passionately with only a small number of the pertinent facts about the topic, or jell-o wrestling? I think jell-o wrestling loses its charm quicker.


I'm pretty sure my life is a not-for-profit endeavor. Otherwise someone's cooking my books!! (And I don't mean that as a euphemism for something else. This time.)


Does anyone think the line from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back:

"When it's all over, I want you to say 'My, what a lovely tea party!'"

Is funnier now than it ever has been?


Jackie Gleason was really only responding to Kennedy's speech when he told Alice "to the moon!"

Not sure who's speech he was responding to when he said "Pow, right in the kisser!"

...though Mel Gibson may have been responding to Jackie Gleason... not sure...


How do you trust someone who tells you they would "take a bullet for you" without finding out for sure?


I think that about covers my lunch break....
